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Monday, September 13, 2010

What's fart

1. Where does fart?
Of gas in the intestines. Gas in the intestines from the air we swallow, which breaks through into the intestines from the blood, gas and gas from the chemical reaction of bacteria in the stomach.

2. What is the composition of fart?
Varies. The more air you swallow, the more levels of nitrogen in the gas (oxygen from the air absorbed by the body before it reaches the intestine). The presence of bacteria and chemical reactions between stomach acid & intestinal fluid
produces carbon dioxide. Bacteria also produce methane & hydrogen. The proportion of each gas depending on what you eat, how much air you swallowed, the type of bacteria in the gut, how long we hold the fart. The longer withstand wind, the greater the proportion of nitrogen, because the other gases absorbed by the blood through the intestinal wall. People who eat in a hurry oxygen levels in the fart more because his body is not
had time to absorb oxygen. (So ​​do not hold back like fart).

3. Why do farts stink?
Wat because the content of hydrogen sulfide & mercaptan. Both of these compounds containing sulfur (sulfur). The more sulfur content in your food, the more sulfides & mercaptan produced by bacteria
in the stomach, & the more you fart busuklah. Eggs & meat had a big role in producing the stench fart. Legumes play a role in producing the volume of gas, not in the rot.

4. Why fart noises?
Because of the vibrations of the anal canal while farting produced. The severity depends on the speed of sound of gas. (And your anus hole diameter, hi .. hi ....)

5. Why do farts smell was warm & no noise?
One source of fart is bacteria. Bacterial fermentation & digestion process produces heat, the gas side is rotten. Gas bubble size is smaller, warm & saturated with bacterial metabolic products noisome. It later became fart, though only a small volume, but the SBD (Silent But Deadly).

6. How much gas is produced per day?
The average half-liter of farts a day in 14 times.

7. Why do farts come out through the anus?
Because of its lighter density, why do not fart gas to travel upward? Not so. Intestinal peristalsis push the contents toward the bottom. Pressure around the lower rectum. Intestinal peristalsis made into a pressurized chamber, thereby forcing the contents of the intestine, including its gas to move into supervision
yg lower pressure, which is around the anus. On the way to the anus, small bubbles join to be a big bubble. If there is no peristalsis, the gas bubbles will break through to the top again, but not too much, because who form complex intestinal & berbeit the bush. (Imagine if farting out of the nostrils).

8. How long does it take to travel kehidung fart others. Depending on the condition of the air, like humidity, temperature, wind speed & direction, the molecular weight of fart gas, the distance between 'transmitter'
with the 'receiver'. Once leaving the source, spread fart gas concentration is reduced. If the fart is not detected within a few seconds, is to experience dilution in the air & lost in the air forever. Unless you fart in tight spaces, like elevators, cars, more concentration, so the smell would stay in until absorbed waktulama wall.

9. Does anyone fart?
Certainly, if still alive. Shortly after meninggalpun people still bisakentut. (Why not be ashamed if often farts)

10. Is it true that men fart more often than women?
Nothing to do with gender .. If true, it means that women hold farts, fart a lot & now the number who were excluded. (That's why women are more smelly fart, ha .. ha ....)

11. At what usually people fart?
Morning in the toilet. the so-called "morning thunder". If the resonance is good, can be heard throughout the house.

12. Why not eat nuts cause a lot of fart?
Nuts contain sugars that the body can not digest. TSB sugar (raffinose, stachiose, erbascose) if it reaches the intestine, the bacteria in the gut immediately feasted & make a lot of gas. Corn, peppers, cabbage, flowers
cabbage, milk also causes a lot of gas (not the smell!).

13. Besides food, what are the causes of farts?
Swallowed air, eat in a hurry, eat without chewing, drinking soft drinks, a plane (because of lower air pressure, so that the gas in the intestine expanded & emerged as a fart).

14. Is farting together with saltpeter, but emerged from another hole?
Not ... Winding up of the stomach, the other with a fart its chemical composition. Contain more air belching, gas-containing gas produced by bacteria more.

15. Where has that fart gas on hold is not removed?
Not absorbed blood, not disappeared because the leak .. but migrate toward the upper intestine & in turn out as well. So it's not gone, but only delayed.

16. Might burn farts?
Could be. Farts contain methane, a combustible hydrogen (natural gas containing these components as well). If it burns, its flame is blue because the content of the element hydrogen. (Kalo up the mountain, but forgot to bring matches indomie would cook, wear make fart aja turn on the stove)

17. Can light a match with a fart?
Do not be making it up ... Another consistency. Also the temperature is not hot enough to initiate combustion.

18. Why is farting dogs & cats more rotten?
Because dogs & cats are carnivores (meat eaters). Meat is rich in protein. Many sulfur-containing proteins, so this animal farts smell more rotten. Other herbivores such as cows, horses, elephants, producing fart more, longer, louder sound, but is relatively odorless. (Hence the better pet elephant at home rather than dog).

19. Is it true that if you can smell the fart drunk 2-3 times in a row?
Farts contain little oxygen, you may experience dizziness if you smell the fart too much. (Hence the hobby smell the fart, should dikurangin)

20. Does the color of fart?
Colorless. If the color is orange like nitrogen oxides, will be found out who farted.

21. Fart it is acidic, basic or neutral?
Acid, because it contains karbondioksisa (CO2) & hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

22. What happens if someone farted on Venus?
The planet Venus has a lot of sulfur (sulfur) in the lining of the air, so fart in thence no effect.
Was really touching dech ...
Sometimes .. when you cry .. nobody noticed
your tears.
Sometimes .. when you are very sad .. nobody saw
Your heart pain.
Sometimes .. when you are happy .. nobody noticed
smile on your lips.
However .. when you fart .. everyone turned to you.
not moving, anyway?

People fart Based Classification

People who blame other people if you fart

People who hold farts were the hours

People who know when to be fart

The downtrodden
People who want to fart but can not

People who reply fart, people do not know laen

PEOPLE nervous
People who suddenly hold his current fart fart

PEOPLE confident
People who wonder if farts smell

People who fart, farts in the flick to the laen.

People who fart if not sound, but ashamed of its own

People who hide farts with a guffaw

People who run out fart, farts inhale to replace the outgoing

People who fart a little bit if

Smart aleck
People are often their own farts smell

People who like kissing other people fart

People who fart if hidden

PEOPLE aquatic
People who like to fart in the water

PEOPLE athletic
People who fart if pulling power in

People who admit if discharged fart

People who can indicate the smell of fart others

Others who farts but always he is taxable

The person who farts rhythmical dangdut

People who farts sounds like the sound of a modem

The person who farts accompanied ee '

People who fart while ngupil

People who immediately reply after the kentuti relatives

People who fart and then after installing cute face

People who mengentuti others right in the face


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